Ektron CMS400.Net Reference
This section illustrates how to set up email Notification to alert a user when another user uploads a document to his Workspace.
This example uses the following characters.
Miles - Ektron CMS400.NET administrator who wants Notifications to be sent when a user uploads a document. He needs to enable this capability and review the message.
Paul - the user who uploads the document to his profile page’s Workspace. He needs to edit his user profile to enable the publishing of Notifications when he adds a document to his Workspace.
Chris - Paul’s colleague, he wants to receive email Notifications when Paul uploads a document to his Workspace. He needs to edit his user profile to enable the receipt of Notifications when colleagues upload documents to their Workspace.
To set up Ektron CMS400.NET to send Notifications, Miles follows these steps.
Note: For this example to work, Ektron CMS400.NET must be set up to send emails. See Configuring email for Tasks and Content.
1. Navigate to Settings > Community Management > Notifications > Settings.
2. Verify that Notifications can be published. If not:
3. Make sure the email agent is enabled by navigating to Settings > Community Management > Notifications > Agents.
4. Ektron provides a standard Notification message that is sent when a user adds content to his Workspace. The message’s name is User Workspace Content Added.
Because Miles wants to edit the message, he follows these steps.
The document @Content.Title@ was added to @SubjectUser.UserName@’s Workspace.
Note: Because Miles is not dealing with SMS type messages, he leaves the Plain Text text box empty. If he wanted SMS messages, he would typically create a shorter version of the message in that text box.
- Click Save ().
From now on, an email is sent whenever a user uploads a document to his Workspace to colleagues who signed up to receive them.
To receive SMS Messages, Miles performs the steps in the previous paragraph plus these additional steps.
Miles must configure the SMS Agent in the web.config file. See Configuring SMS
Miles must instruct Chris (or any user that receives SMS messages) to perform the Verification step on his cell phone.
Miles must also instruct Chris to check the SMS column on his Notifications page for Activities by Colleagues.
Note: For a quick summary on how to enable SMS, see "How to Enable SMS" on dev.ektron.com.
Paul needs enable the Add User Workspace Content activity in his profile. This way, whenever he adds content to his Workspace, a Notification is sent. To do this, Paul follows these steps.
1. Log into the site.
2. Navigate to his profile page.
3. Click Edit Profile.
4. Click the Activities tab.
5. Click the My Activities sub tab.
6. Click the Add User Workspace Content check box.
7. Click Save.
Next, Chris enables the receipt of Notifications that are sent whenever colleagues upload an item to their Workspace. To do this, Chris follows these steps.
1. Log into the site.
2. Navigate to his profile page.
3. Click Edit Profile.
4. Click the Activities tab.
5. Click the Colleagues sub tab.
6. Click the Add User Workspace Content check box in the Email column.
7. Click Save.
Note: If Chris wants to receive SMS messages, he will also click the check box in the SMS column.
In addition to the steps above to enable receiving SMS notifications, Chris next creates a trusted relationship between the Web site and his phone. To do this, he follows these steps.
Note: The following procedure requires that your website has the template SMSAgentSettings.aspx. If it does not, you may copy it from the Ektron cms400Developer starter site, the Ektron eIntranet site, or download it from http://dev.ektron.com/codedetail.aspx?id=29600.
1. Go to the Web site page: http://<host>/SMSAgentSettings.aspx.
2. Enter a phone number and carrier.
3. Click Save.
4. Within a few minutes, he receives a verification code on his phone.
5. Enter the code into the Verification Code field.
6. Click Verify.
7. The page shows that the account is verified. Chris can begin receiving SMS notification messages on his phone.